1. Revised the Rugrats strip page.
2. Revised the timeline.
3. Revised the FAQ page.
4. Revised The Rugrats Movie page.
5. Revised the commentary page.
6. Revised the video page.
7. Revised the Fan Fiction page.
8. Revised The Santa Experience, A Rugrats Kwanzaa, and Pre-School Daze.
9. Revised the Nicktoons page.
10. Revised the Klasky-Csupo page.
11. Revised the banner page.
1. Revised the Rugrats strip page.
2. Revised the timeline.
3. Revised the Rugrats sites page.
4. Revised the FAQ page.
5. Revised The Rugrats Movie page.
6. Revised the commentary page.
7. Revised the video page, including revamping the US / Canada video section, to make it easier to load and read.
8. Revised the TV Guide page.
9. Revised the Fan Fiction page.
10. Revised the games section.
11. Revised the Nicktoons page.
12. Revised The Dog Broomer, The Santa Experience, and Chanukah.
1. Revised the Rugrats strip page.
2. Revised the timeline.
3. Revised the Rugrats sites page.
4. Revised the FAQ page.
5. Revised The Rugrats Movie page.
6. Revised the US in the Rugrats Around The World page.
7. Revised the How To Reach Nick page.
8. Revised the Klasky-Csupo page.
9. Added a new commentary page.
1. Revised the Rugrats strip page.
2. Revised the timeline.
3. Revised the awards page.
4. Revised the Fan Fiction page.
5. Revised the Rugrats sites page.
6. Revised Game Show Didi.
7. Revised the "Rugrats In Paris" page.
8. Revised the FAQ page.
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