The Great Pokemon Fight

By Kacie Boskey

It was a beautiful summer day. Tommy and his 3 friends were outside. The bushes rustled. Leaves flapped in the air. "This is a fine day! Right, Chuckie?" "Right, Tommy!" Chuckie agreed. "C'mon, sprouts! Time to come in." It was Tommy's grandpa. He picked up Tommy, Phil, and Lil and took them in the house. Chuckie followed. They were put in the play pen and Grandpa went on his favorite rocker. He was soon fast asleep. Tommy and Chuckie began playing. They were playing "Mail" because it's practically the only thing Tommy can get Chuckie to do without forcing him to. "Okay, Chuckie. We just put you in the mail box and the mail man will take you to Germany." Chuckie was covered from head-to-toe in stamps. He giggled and responded, "Okay!"

"Uh, guys?" Phil's eyes were wide. Tommy knew something was wrong. "Phil, what's wrong?" But Phil didn't answer. He just stared like he was staring into space. He finally lifted up his finger and pointed. Tommy saw the weirdest thing. It looked like a pipe. Except it was glowing and clear! Tommy looked at the clear pipe. It was so huge he could fit into it without getting stuck! 'No pipes are this big.' Tommy thought. He turned to the others. "Come on! Let's go exploring!" Chuckie rushed over to Tommy. "Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, what if there's ghosts down there? Or frogs or wolves or bugs or . . ." "Bugs? We're in!" Phil and Lil exclaimed in unison. The little Rugrats grabbed eachothers hands and stopped right at the entrance of the strange pipe. They drew in a deep breath, then jumped. They fell down, down, down.

They finally landed in some strange land. There were lots of grass-top hills and plains. The sky was a little cloudy and very sunny and light blue. Tommy and his friends, a little scared, huddled close to eachother and looked around. Suddenly, a creature popped out! The strange animal had a long neck and tail, was small, was brown and peach, and had red irises. The cute little guy walked right up to Tommy. Tommy closed his eyes and positioned himself as if the animal was going to strike him. He trembled with fear. The creature looked at Tommy's face and licked him. "Littlefoot! Little, little." Littlefoot cooed. "Hey, Littlefoot likes him," Lil noted.

"You really think his name is Littlefoot?" "Sure, look at him." Lil pointed to the dinosaur. "Littlefoot! Littlefoot!" The young dinosaur-like creature yelled playfully. Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil were wondering why Littlefoot didn't say anything but his own name when 3 more appeared! One was a mammal. It was a wolfcub-like creature!It was red with blue eyes, mouth, ears, chest, and stomach. Another was yellow and golden. It was a female and had green eyes. She had a frill with small bumps and she had a small horn on her nose. She also walked on 4 legs. The last one could fly! It looked like a cross between a coocku and a pigeon. It was brown,black, and light yellow.

"Since Tommy got one of these, I want one!" Phil exclaimed excitedly. "I'll take Pidgey." Phil declared. Lil walked over to the horned one. "Then I will have Cera here, right?" Cera looked at her and responded, "Cera,cera." There was only one left for Chuckie. He walked right up to the wolf-like animal and told his friends, "Okay, I'll take him." "Cub! Cub! Cub!" Cub said.

Just then, another creature appeared. This one could talk! "Do you know what these are?" It asked. Tommy and the others shook their heads, no. "They are Pokemon. The newest breeds except for Pidgey. They will protect you." "Protect us from what?" Chuckie asked. "From the Digimons, of course! I don't know much about 'em, though." He then told the babies what type of Pokemon they had. Pidgey was a normal/flying Pokemon. Cera was an electric/poison Pokemon. Littlefoot was a fire Pokemon and Cub was a water Pokemon. After the figure got done telling them about their new Pokemon, he left. All of them loved their Pokemon dearly. That's when Tommy said the wrong thing at the wrong time. "I'm glad I got the best one." This angered Chuckie.

"Who said yours was the best?! My Cub can put out your Littlefoot's fire!" The two friends began fighting. Phil and Lil raced to where the two were fighting and tried to get them to stop. "Stop! Friends don't fight!" Phil yelled. "No, no, no! Stop! Stop! Stop!" Lil cried. Tommy glared at Chuckie. "You can't tell me what to do!" "Show you a thing or two!" Chuckie growled and tried to charge at Tommy. But Phil held him back. "Let go!" he demanded. Tommy fumed at Lil. "Let me go!" Lil had grabbed Tommy's arm and was trying to keep him from fighting Chuckie. "No!" Lil and Phil said in unison.

Tommy grabbed Lil's arm and threw her aside. Chuckie pushed Phil to the ground. Then the two angry babies charged at each other. Before they could punch eachother, Littlefoot and Cub rushed over to them and grabbed their shirts and pulled them back to the ground. They then leaped between Tommy and Chuckie to prevent them from fighting. "Littlefoot?" Tommy asked. "Cub?" Chuckie wondered. Then he hissed, "Move." "Stand aside." Tommy ordered. The Pokemon shook their heads, no. They were sooned joined by Pidgey and Cera. Phil and Lil joined in. Then Tommy declared, "The only way to settle this is to have a Pokemon match!" All the babies stared at him. Chuckie agreed hastily. The 4 babies and Pokemon walked over to a nearby Pokemon Arena, unaware of the danger that lurked behind every rock.

"So, those two "friends" are going to do it out, huh? Well, now, if I play my cards right, I just might be able to get rid of those Pokemon and their new owners!" A scary voice thundered. The voice belonged to a giant Digimon. His name was Greymon. Greymon had a sidekick named Tyranomon. Both of the Digimons grew jealous because the Pokemon are more common and had more species than they did. "Tyranomon!!!!" Greymon bellowed out. The Digimon appeared. "Tyranomon, see these Pokemon and babies?" Tyranomon nodded. "GET RID OF THEM!!!" Tyranomon nodded and smiled with his sharp teeth showing threatenly. The green-plated orange-and-black-and-white Digimon turned and walked out. Greymon let out a mighty roar. "RRROOOOOAARRRRRRRR!!!!!!"

"I got a better idea," Tyranomon said, who had returned in a few minutes. He told the larger yellow-orange, blue-striped, hard-headed, horned Digimon that he had found a large green-and-clear pipe where the babies came from. He suggested that they kid-nap one human that they know. "Good idea! I am telepathic, so I know that those babies are Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil. Tommy does have a cousin named Angelica and a little brother named Dil."

"Wanna kid-nap Dil?" Greymon refused. "No, he's too young. But we will capture Angelica. If Tommy wants her back, he'll have to make a trade." Tyranomon thought for a moment. But the monster couldn't figure out what Greymon was talking about. He asked, "What kind of a trade?" Greymon smiled evilly. "Simple : One life for one girl." "So that means that one of them . . . ?" " . . . must sacrifice their life to get Angelica back!" The two laughed evilly and left.

"Now, let's get this over with!" Tommy announced. He first challenged Lil. Lil pulled out a Pokeball and yelled, "CERA, GO!" In a flash, Cera appeared. "Cerrrrrrrrrrrrrraaa!" Tommy snarled. "I CHOOSE YOU, LITTLEFOOT!" Littlefoot appeared in a blink of an eye. Littlefoot charged at Cera, but Cera used a physic attack on him that sent him flying backwards. "CERA, THUNDERSHOCK,NOW!" Lil screamed. Cera closed her eyes and yelled, "Cer. Cer. CERA!!" She sent out a huge electrical beam at Littlefoot. But, fortunately, he dodged it. Tommy was becoming angry. He yelled, "LITTLEFOOT! TACKLE-ATTACK!!!" The little Pokemon reared its head down and charged at Cera. Luckily, Cera didn't use a physic attack and she was hit square in the chest. Cera flew backwards and crashed into the ground. She was down and beaten.

Lil grumbled angrily as she took her Pokemon and left. Phil was up next. He glared at Tommy, but wasn't really mad at him at all. Phil called out his Pidgey. "Pidgey!" Tommy only laughed quietly. He turned to Littlefoot. "Littlefoot, use your fire-ball spit attack!" Littlefoot nodded and looked at Pidgey. "PIDGEY! AVOID THE FIRE-BALLS!!!" Littlefoot began spitting out big balls of fire at the flying Pokemon. But Pidgey dodged them. "PIDGEY,COUNTER-ATTACK!" Pidgey tried to sneak up on Littlefoot, but he was too clever. Before Pidgey knew it, he was hit by a fire-ball and was beaten. Phil left, but not like Lil did. Then, it was all down to the remaining trainers : Chuckie and Tommy. They've beaten Phil and Lil. Now they have to battle each other to find out who has the best Pokemon and who is the best.

"Cub! Get him!" Chuckie ordered. In a flash of red, Cub showed up. "Cub!" The red-and-blue Pokemon growled and was ready to fight. The two walked close to each other and glared at one another, waiting for the flag to be dropped to start the battle. Then, it did. "CUB,WATERGUN!!!!" Cub jumped high into the air and squirted gallons of water on the fire-type Pokemon. Cub landed on the ground at shot again. This time, it hit Littlefoot's side. He flew to the side and crashed into a rock formation. Tommy gasped. Chuckie laughed. Littlefoot climbed to his feet, nearly beaten up. Then, Tommy got an idea.

"LITTLEFOOT!! FLAMETHROW ATTACK!!!!" Littlefoot looked at Cub, drew a deep breath, and fired! A huge beam of fire shot out of his mouth and was headed straight for Cub! But, being a water-type, Cub just blew the fire out. Then, he turned and walked towards Chuckie, his owner, because he knew he had won.

But he was wrong.

"LITTLEFOOT! TRY AGAIN!!!!!!!" Tommy said, smiling and pointing. Littlefoot leaped high into the air and blew flames out. They hit Cub. Whining, he falls to the ground. The announcer of the battle stated that Tommy was the winner! Chuckie became so angry, his skin was deep red! He walked right up to Tommy and attacked! Soon, the angry babies wrestled across the floor. Chuckie grabbed Tommy's neck and started to choke him. Suddenly, a strange animal appeared right in front of them! They stopped fighting and went to see what it was. The figure turned around and looked at the two with its huge red and white eyes. He declared, "I am Greymon, leader of the Digimons!" Tommy and the others gasped. They were warned about Digimons.

"Wha-wha-wha-what d-do y-y-you w-w-w-want????" Tommy stammered. The big beast lowered his head so that its eyes are right in front of Tommy's face. "I have come to make a deal with you, you--you--Rugrat!"

"Deal?" Lil asked. "What sort of a deal?" The big, scary Digimon looked at them. His eyes seemed to frown and his mouth curled up in a smile. 'That look sure is familiar' Tommy thought. The Digimon finally spoke. "A deal that could mean the difference between life and death for you little friend here!" Tommy looked confused. He looked up at Greymon. "Friend?What little friend?"

"Why, Tommy, don't tell me that you forgot about," Greymon displayed a cage, "Angelica!" Angelica was in the cage! "Angelica????!!!!!!" the babies cried.

"Get me OUT OF HERE!!!!" Angelica bellowed. "Here's the deal: One of you guys give your life to me and I'll set her free. If none of you do, then . . . ha, ha, ha! I think you'll know what'll happen to Angelica here." Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil gasped and looked at each other. Tommy asked what it means to give one's life for someone. "Gladly. It means to do something that kills someone but saves the life of another or others." Now the babies really were afraid.

They didn't know what to do. They didn't want to be killed and didn't want Angelica to be killed, neither. Tommy threw a rock at Greymon's face and he roared loudly! The Digimon glared at Tommy. "TYRANOMON! GET RID OF THESE BABIES AND ANGELICA HERE NOW!!!" Tyranomon walked out from behind the stadium. He walked into the battle field and snapped and Phil and Lil.

Screaming, they run away. In the confusion that followed, Angelica had managed to get her cage unlocked and she ran out. "Angelica? She's escaped! Grab her!" Tyranomon and Greymon tried and tried to grab Angelica, but she was too fast and the babies did everything they could think of to keep the big brutes from hurting any of them. Then, finally, the five were cornered. They had to place to run nor hide. Then, something wonderful happened! Pidgey appeared out of nowhere.

"Pidgey! Chase those two out!" Pidgey flew towards the Digimons, but got scared. He flew back. "He's afraid of them." Angelica pointed out. Just then, Pidgey began glowing! He became a blinding radiant white light and changed form right before their eyes! "He's evolving!" Chuckie awed. Before their very eyes, Pidgey evolved into Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto was larger, stronger, and braver then Pidgey. Phil knew that they had a chance this time. He pointed towards Greymon and Tyranomon, who were closing in on them. "PIDGEOTTO, GUST ATTACK!" The flying Pokemon flew up and flapped its wings hard. Dust flew into the sky and towards the two giant Digimons. The sand got into their eyes! Defeated, they disappeared into the woods. The Rugrats could here them say, "You will pay for this, Tommy! You and your friends will pay dearly for what you've done!!!"

Tommy, Chuckie, and the others shuddered a bit. They were a little scared and mad at the same time. "What do we do now?" Chuckie asked. "I don't know," Tommy said, his head down low. Just then, they heard a rustle. A flying head appeared! It was small and pink with long hears and cute red eyes. Tommy, Phil, Lil, Chuckie, and Angelica screamed in terror. They broke into a run, but the creature blocked them. "Don't be afraid. I'm your friend! I'm your friend! I'm your friend!" Tommy just stared at it. "Who-who-who are you?" The creature landed close to the babies. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Koromon." "That means . . . flying head?" Angelica wanted to know. "No, silly," Koromon replied, giggling, "It means 'brave little warrior'." Just then, five more creatures appeared out of nowhere. They walked right up to Koromon and Tommy. "I am Betamon." "I am Bukamon." "I am Tanomon." "And I'm Tentomon."

"Who's that?" "Oh, him? That's just Butterfree." Angelica looked at Butterfree and smiled. "I'll take him!" Everyone just watched her with a confused look on their faces. Lil then got a little suspicious. She glared at them and demanded to know what they were. "Well, all of us except Butterfree are monsters." Chuckie gasped. Betamon told the kid that his Pokemon's a monster too and there's nothing to be afraid of. "Well, what are you?!"

Angelica bellowed. "We're . . . " Koromon began. The creatures stood next to each other. Then, they finished together. " . . . Digimons! Digital Monsters!"

Tommy gasped, "Digital Monsters?" The Digimons nodded their heads. "Yes. Digimons!" "But-but-but we were warned to stay away from you." Phil breathed.

"Well, not all of us turned evil."

"Turned evil?" Chuckie walked closer. "Yes. It's kind of a long story, so I'll make it short. See, Greymon was determined to destroy Pokemon. But all of the other Digimons didn't want to. So he made a machine that makes one become evil. He then put all of the Digimons in it, making them follow the foot-steps of Greymon! Or so he thought. Betamon, Tanomon, Koromon, and me escaped. Now we are here to help you and your Pokemon." Bukamon explained.

They took hours before they thought up of a plan. Now owning 1 Pokemon and 1 Digimon, the Rugrats were sure to defeat Greymon. But they didn't know what was in store for 'em. Soon, they started out on a long journey ahead. A journey to Greymon's castle to defeat him, no matter what it takes.

Di-di digi
Digimon Digimon
Di-di digi
Digimon Digimon

Digimon : Digital Monsters
Digimon are the champions!
Digimon : Digital Monsters
Digimon are the champions!

Change into digital champions
To Save the digital world!

Digimon : Digital Monsters
Digimon are the champions!
Digimon : Digital Monsters
Digimon are the champions!

Digivolve into champions!
Digivolve into ultimate!

Digimon : Digital Monsters
Digimon are the champions!
Digimon : Digital Monsters
Digimon are the champions!

Digimon : Digital Monsters

The babies, Pokemon, and Digimons soon arrived at a dark, spooky place. Bones were scattered all over the place! Tentomon claims that they are in a Pokemon Graveyard. Upon hearing these words, Angelica squeals like a mouse with fear. She hugs her Pokemon, Butterfree, tightly. The small army stopped at what looked like a cave. "We're here." Koromon announced to everyone. Tommy, still shook from what Greymon said, asked the Digimons a question.

"What's that and who's in that?" "That's where we'll find Greymon, Tyranomon, and their larger army of Evil Digimons," Bukamon explained. The seal-like monsters flew close to Tommy's face and said fearfully, "Those who go in there never come out. They are always caught and killed! We must be very, very careful." Tommy shuddered, calmed down, and continued walking towards the lit-up cave.

The group went inside the cave. It was as bright as day and very easy to navigate around in. Their mission? To stop Greymon and Tyranomon from releasing their deadly super-strong Digimon army on the Pokemon world. Phil was just about to ask where the two Digimons were when a scary voice boomed through the cave. "WHO'S THERE?!?! IF IT IS YOU, TOMMY, AND YOUR FRIENDS, PREPARE TO BE KILLED!!!!!!!!!!!! READY OR NOT, HERE COMES GREYMONNNN!!!!!!!!!" Greymon suddenly appeared from the shadows. The kids andmonsters broke into a run in different places. Greymon chased after Tommy and Littlefoot. Just then, Littlefoot and Cub both began to glow. Littlefoot evolved into Velociraptor, then into Megaraptor! Cub evolved into Wolf. Megaraptor ran towards Tommy to get him on his back, but something struck and stunned Megaraptor. Wolf tries to help Tommy, too, but also get hit. It was Greymon.

Greymon raised his claws and struck Tommy! Fortunately, Tommy had backed away at the last second. But one of the Digimons hurt his left arm. "Oooowwww!!!" Tommy cried out in pain. Greymon laughedevilly and prepared to strike the injured Rugrat. Just then, Koromon, Tentomon, Tanomon, Bukamon, and Betamon ran in front of Tommy. Lights hit them, and they "digivolved" into larger, stronger Digimons. "Koromon, digivolve to Agumon!" "Tentomon, digivolve to Airdramon!" "Tanomon, digivolve to Palmon!" "Bukamon, digivolve to Seadramon!" "Betamon, digivolve to Biyamon!" The more advanced Digimons lunged at Greymon to protect Tommy. Greymon lost interest in Tommy and took off after Lil. Greymon raised his hands into the air.

A great ball of energy and electricity was formed. He threw the ball and Lil, who was cornered! In a flash, the ball hit something. But it wasn't Lil.

She and the others looked up and gasped. The injured Tommy had leaped between the two and got hit. Tommy screamed and slammed into the ground. He got up and, weakened by the impact, backed away. Greymon looked at Tommy, then Angelica. He walked towards the little girl and pinned her down! He growled and raised his gigantic claws as to strike. He swung his hand down for a fatal wound. Angelica suddenly saw a blur of color in front of her eyes and then a scream. It was Tommy! Now Tommy was very weak. He was flunged backwards and crashed into the ground. Greymon laughed and walked towards the dying Tommy.

But for some strange reason, he, Tyranomon, and the army disappeared into thin air! Not caring how it happened, Chuckie, the twins, Angelica, the Pokemon, and Digimons all ran towards Tommy. He was just laying there, very badly hurt. Chuckie knelt close to Tommy.

Tommy used his last energy and looked up at his friends. His vision, all of a sudden, became cloudy and then white. Tommy's head hit the mud and his eyes closed. As the group looked closer, they noticed that Tommy had stopped breathing. Thinking that there was no way to bring him back, everyone started sobbing. Just then, a flying Pokemon appeared. It was Mew. "I will help him," Mew said solemnly. Lil, still full of tears, said,

"Too late. He's gone." Not listenly to her, Mew flew right up to the seemingly dead baby and grabbed his arm. Mew started to glow light blue. His glow went straight into Tommy. The baby glowed and was raised into the air.

"Look!" Chuckie exclaimed in awe. Tommy's wounds began to magically heal, and his signs of life start to return. Mew let go of Tommy's arm and flew off. Just then, Tommy stirred, then woke up. Everyone of his friends were very overjoyed to see him. They all gave him a big hug. Tommy, Phil, Chuckie, Lil, and Angelica waved good-bye to the Digimons.

Megaraptor carried Tommy, Cera, Angelica, and Phil. Wolf carried Chuckie, Lil, and Pidgeotto. The Pokemon took the babies back to the pipe on whichthey came. Tearfully, they waved good-bye as they prepared to jump. Tommy spun arround and saw Cera glowing! The Pokemon evolved into another Pokemon. Tricera. Tricera had three horns and was now gray instead of yellow.

"Tricera! Tricera!" the Pokemon squealed with delight. Finally, the Rugrats dove back into the pipe. When they got back, they found their parents frantically looking for them. "I can't believe you left them with your father again! Remember what happened last time?" Didi said, worried. Before anyone else could say a thing, Angelica called out. The worried parents were nolonger worried. They hugged their children tightly and asked were they were. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you!" Angelica joked.

Woman : From the day we arrive on the planet,
And blinking, step into the sun.
There's more to see that can ever be seen.
More to do that can ever be done!

Man : Some say eat or be eaten.
Some say live and let live.
But all are agreed as they join the stampede!
You should never take more than you give!

It's the circle of life!
It's the wheel of fortune!
It's the leap of faith!
It's the band of hope 'till we find our place
On the path unwinding!

In the circle,
The circle of life.

Woman : There's far too much
To take in here.
More to find that can ever be found.
But the sun rolling high through the saphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round!

It's the circle of life!
And it moves us all
Through despire and hope
Through faith and love
'Till we find our place on the path unwinding!

In the circle,
The circle of life.

Man : Some of us fall by the wayside
And some of us soar to the stars
And some of us sail through our troubles
And some have to live with the scars.

There's far to much to take in here.
More to find that can ever be found.
But the sun rolling high
Through the saphire sky keeps great
And small on the endless round!

It's the circle of life!
It's the wheel of fortune!
It's the leap of faith!
It's the band of hope 'till we find our place
On the path unwinding!

Woman : It's the circle of life!
And it moves us all
Through despire and hope
Through faith and love 'till
We find our place on the path unwinding
In the circle,
The circle of life.

Man : In the circle,
The circle of life.

The End

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