

Videos From Spain

The following is a list of Rugrats videos that are sold in Spain. Unfortunately, I do not know the release dates of these videos; because of this, the videos will be listed by order of the English US release date.

All videos are PAL color.


1. The stock number on these videos are not available. Also, the prices for these videos are not available.

2. Most Mexican, American, and Latin American versions of these videos go by different names. Also, some of these videos are not available in the US or Canada. For details, see the Mexican videos page.

Cuentos De Cuna
(Tales From The Crib)

Length: 58 Minutes

Contents: Same as Mexican version.

La Misión de un Bébe
(A Baby's Gotta Do What A Baby's Gotta Do)

Length: 57 Minutes

Contents: Same as Mexican version.

Chuckie El Valiente
(Chuckie The Brave)

Length: 57 Minutes

Contents: Same as Mexican version.

Angélica La Divina
(Angelica The Divine)

Length: 57 Minutes

Contents: Same as Mexican version.

Tommy el Travieso
(Tommy Troubles)

Length: 57 Minutes

Contents: Same as US 1998 version. (Click here for Mexican version.)

Phil y Lil: Problemas a Pares
(Phil & Lil: Double Trouble)

Length: 57 Minutes

Contents: Same as US 1998 version. (Click here for Mexican version.)

El Espíritu de la Navidad
(The Santa Experience)

Length: 35 Minutes

Contents: Same as US Paramount version. (Click here for Mexican version.)

Los Cuentos Favoritos del Abuelo
(Grandpa's Favorite Stories)

Length: 57 Minutes

Contents: Same as US version. (Click here for Mexican version.)

El Retorno De Reptar
(Return of Reptar)

Length: 57 Minutes

Contents: Same as US version. (Click here for Mexican version.)

(Source: Blockbuster Spain)

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