Rugrats In Paris -- The Movie
Release Dates
& Distribution

Release Dates

When is Rugrats In Paris coming to your country? Here's the known release dates, along with their sources:
11/17/2000 US / Canada / Puerto Rico / Virgin Islands / Bahamas / Jamaica / St. Maarten / Aruba / Curaçao / Cayman Islands
2/1/2001 US College / Institutional / Non-Profit (distributed in 16mm & 35mm by Swank Motion Pictures)
France (Source: Le meilleur site sur les Razmokets)
(Right: French Rugrats In Paris logo, from Après d'Ecole; ©2000 Viacom.)

2/14/2001 Switzerland -- French Version (Source: Avant Première)
2/21/2001 Belgium (Source: Box Office Mojo)
3/8/2001 Singapore (Source: Varakorn Ungvichian)
3/27/2001 US / Canada video release, in English & French
4/5/2001 Australia (Source: Nick Australia)
Australian Grand Premiere -- 3/25/2001 at 11AM Sydney Time at the Village / Greater Union / Hoyts Centre theatre
in Sydney, benefitting the Sydney Children's Hospital. Open to the public at A$24 for adults, A$18 for children; limited
advance sales only.

Austria (Source:
Costa Rica (Source: Mundonick.Com)
Denmark  (Source: Varakorn Ungvichian)
Great Britain (Source: Movies UK)
Guatamala (Source: Mundonick.Com)
Malta (estimate)
Mexico (Source: Estación Central)
Panama (Source: Mundonick.Com)
South Africa (Source: Box Office Mojo)
(Right: Spanish Rugrats In Paris logo, from; ©2000 Viacom.)

Holland (Source: FilmInfo; NFC)
(Right: Dutch Rugrats In Paris logo, from UIP Holland; ©2000 Viacom.)
Ratjetoe in Parijs -- De Film
4/14/2001 Philippines (Source: Varakorn Ungvichian)
5/11/2001 US / Canada Pay-Per-View
5/26/2001 Malaysia (Source: The Star, Kuala Lumpur)
Germany (Source: Movie Master)
(Right: German Rugrats In Paris logo, from UIP Germany; ©2000 Viacom.)
6/1/2001 Colombia (Source: Mundonick.Com)
Thailand (Direct-To-Video) (Source: Varakorn Ungvichian)
6/28/2001 Chile (Source: Mundonick.Com)
6/29/2001 Spain (Source: Cinemagazine)
7/4/2001 Venezuela (Source: Mundonick.Com)
7/5/2001 Peru (Source: Mundonick.Com)
7/12/2001 Argentina (Source: Mundonick.Com)
7/13/2001 Brazil (Source: UIP Brazil)

(Left & Center: Portuguese Rugrats In Paris logos from Mundonick.Com (left) and UIP Brazil (center); Right: Poster of the Portuguese version, featuring the local voices, also from  UIP Brazil; all ©2000 Viacom.)

7/31/2001 US / Canada video release, in Spanish
10/6/2001 World Premium Channel Debut (in Canada on Movie Central; Manitoba westward only)
10/7/2001 World French Premium Channel Debut (in Canada on Super Ecran)
10/8/2001 British video release (Source: Blackstar Video)
10/10/2001 Video release in France (Source: Le meilleur site sur les Razmokets)
10/13/2001 Eastern Canada English Premium Channel Debut (on TMN; Ontario eastward only)
1/1/2002 US Premium Channel Debut (on Showtime)
Japan (Source: UIP Japan)
(Right: Japanese Rugrats In Paris logo, from UIP Japan; ©2002 Viacom.)

7/6/2003 World TV Premiere (on YTV, in Canada; click here to see TV Guide ad)

The Distributors

In the US, Canada, and some Caribbean islands, the film is distributed by Paramount Pictures.
Rugrats In Paris is distributed to US military bases worldwide by AAFES, the Army and Air Force Exchange Service, which operates on-base movie theaters as part of special shopping benefits available to American servicepeople and their families. The film is released to all US bases, stateside and overseas, at the same time as the US & Canada; however, not all theaters may show it at the same time, depending on the schedule. For example, the base theater at an Army base at Fort Belvoir, VA did not show the film there until early 2001.
Swank Motion Pictures has this film available for rental to educational and other non-commercial establishments, in 16mm and 35mm formats. Family-run Swank, based in St. Louis, is America's leading distrubutor of films for colleges, civic groups, clubs and other organisations. Swank also has the original Rugrats Movie available for rental.
And internationally, United International Pictures, and their local distributors, release Rugrats In Paris worldwide, outside of the US, Canada and some Caribbean islands (see above).

My Proposed Timetable for "Rugrats In Paris"
(with some actual dates)

If it follows the same timetable as The Rugrats Movie, here's what I think the proposed timetable for Rugrats In Paris is. Dates in bold green are actual given dates, according to the sources listed (still subject to change); all others are predicted by me.

For foreign release dates, see above.
October 2000 Book adaptations go on sale
11/7/2000 Soundtrack released in the US & Canada
11/17/2000 US / Canada Theatrical Release
3/27/2001 US / Canada Video Release in English & French
4/21/2001 Kids' Choice Awards
5/11/2001 US / Canada Pay-Per-View Premiere
7/31/2001 US / Canada Video Release in Spanish
10/6/2001 World Premium Channel Debut in Canada on Movie Central (Manitoba westward only)
10/7/2001 Canada French Premium Channel Debut on Super Ecran
10/8/2001 First Foreign video release in Britain
10/13/2001 Eastern Canada English Premium Channel Debut on TMN
1/1/2002 US Premium Channel Debut on Showtime
7/6/2003 World Commercial TV premiere on YTV in Canada
Fall 2003
(maybe later)
US Commercial TV Premiere on either Nick, CBS, ABC or NBC
June 2004 Canada French Broadcast Premiere on TQS

Remember, unless it's in green, these are only MY PREDICTIONS -- the actual dates may differ.

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