RugratsNews & Other Little-Known Facts -- Part 3

"Rugrats" Go Disney (sort of)

Tommy Pickles was featured on the cover of the March 1998 issue of  Disney Adventures, the digest-sized kids magazine available where magazines are sold. This issue featured the "Coolest Cartoon Kids Class of 1998", with bios and pictures of Tommy, as well as (also joining Tommy on the cover) Doug, Bart Simpson, Pepper Ann, Spinelli (of Recess) and Bobby Hill (of King Of The Hill).

Here is Tommy's biography from Disney's Adventures; the picture in his bio shows Tommy climb a pile of books to get his Reptar toy (biography is from the March 1998 issue of Disney's Adventures, copyright © 1998 by Disney Enterprises, Inc. Picture on left is from that article and is ©1998 by Viacom.):
Tommy Pickles, as told to D.A. (Disney Adventures)
"(He can't write yet, because he's only 1!)"

Age: 1

Hometown: "Near You!"

Motto: "A baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do!" (Barbecue Story)

Last Book Read: "I kinda read a book once but it had only pictures in it."

My Goal In Life: "Be 2."

Most Embarassing Moment: When I figured out that the baby in the mirror was me! (Mirrorland)

Favorite Outfit: "Just one thing -- a dry diapie!" (Keep in mind that on the show, Tommy & the other Rugrats normally say "diaper". The Rugrats Movie, however, uses "diapie" (see below).)

Favorite Food: "Stuff that's mushy."

Favorite Cartoon Character: "Reptar."

Favorite Subject In School: "I won't know for sure 'till I get there, but I bet it's gonna be naptime!"

What's Always In My Backpack: "Extra diapies, 'cause a baby needs to be prepared."

Oh Yeah! Rugrats!

The following Rugrats cast members provided voices during the first season of Nick's newest Nicktoon anthology, Oh Yeah!:

E.G. Daily (Randy, Old Woman, Girl)

Cheryl Chase (Lady, Boy)

Cree Summer-Francks (Polly, Tilly)

Joe Alaskey (Mr. C)

Kath Soucie (Dot)

Cheryl Chase (Mom)

Michael Bell (Santa, Dad)

Michael Bell (Jules, Agent, Officer, Onlooker #3)
Christine Cavanaugh (Billy, Onlooker #1)
Tress MacNeille (Grace, Sadie, Onlooker #2)

Kath Soucie (Grande, Dot, Mother)

E.G. Daily (Rudy)

For more information on Oh Yeah!, click here or here.

We'll Be Right Back After This Important Message:

Most of the people that do voices on Rugrats also does, or has done, voices in commercials, as well. For example: Jack Riley (Stu) in ads for "Country Crock" margarine and Kath Soucie (Betty, Phil, Lil) in ads for Greyhound and Eckerds. But one unusual observation of Rugrats cast members doing ads can be found in ads for Bayer's Advantage Flea Treatment; the voices in this ad are Soucie, E.G. Daily (Tommy) and Christine Cavanaugh (Chuckie), all playing dogs & cats in the ad.

(special thanks to Don Del Grande)

Let's Call The Whole Thing Off

In the Rugrats TV series, the babies say "diaper" the same way as adults and older children say it -- "diaper". However, in The Rugrats Movie (and in the Disney Adventures article above, along with all episodes made since the movie), The Rugrats say "diaper" in a more infantile fashion -- "diapie". Considering that they said "diaper" in the TV series and "diapie" in the movie, isn't their use of "diapie" downgrading their intelligence a little bit, especially since they already know how to say "diaper" in earlier TV episodes?

Make Your Own Seasonal Rugrats Special

On 6/16/1998, Nick shown, for the first time, the Rugrats' Father's Day Special, which was repeated on 6/20/1998 & 6/21/1998. In 1999, they did the same thing again. However, this special is, to put it gently, nothing special, for all it was was 2 previously-shown episodes that already have been repeated several times already -- Regarding Stuie & America's Wackiest Home Movies.

You can make your own seasonal Rugrats special by watching the following stories below. Christmas, Chanukah, Passover, Halloween, Mother's Day, Father's Day & Thanksgiving already have specials of their own.
Holiday: Applicable Stories:
If you didn't like Nick's Rugrats' Father's Day Special,
you can make your own...
Any 2 of these:
Touchdown Tommy
Runaway Angelica
Angelica Breaks A Leg
Sour Pickles
Stu Gets A Job
The Mysterious Mr. Friend
Chuckie Is Rich
Faire Play
The Smell Of Success
Man Of The House
A Whole New Stu
Chuckie's Bachelor Pad
Big Babies
Independence Day
Victoria Day
Canada Day
Any 2 of these:
Barbecue Story
Grandpa's Teeth
The Sky Is Falling
Dil We Meet Again
Labor Day What The Big People Do
Angelica's Last Stand
New Year's Day Party Animals
Naked Tommy
Valentine's Day Any 2 of these:
Angelica's In Love
Grandpa's Date
Cradle Attraction
Lady Luck
St. Patrick's Day The Gold Rush
Chuckie Is Rich
Easter Any 2 of these:
The Trial
Dust Bunnies
Chuckie's Duckling
Grandparents' Day Any 2 of these:
The Case Of The Missing Rugrat
Grandpa Moves Out
Sour Pickles
Toys In The Attic
Aunt Miriam
Visiting Aunt Miriam
Grandpa's Date
Where's Grandpa?
Wrestling Grandpa
Grandpa's Bad Bug
Lady Luck
The Old Country
Any 2 of these:
Reptar On Ice
Angelica's Ballet
or don't watch anything for 11 minutes; just listen to The Rugrats Movie soundtrack
Any 2 of these:

At The Movies
Baby Commercial
Showdown At Teeter-Totter Gulch
Tricycle Thief
Sour Pickles
Reptar 2010
The Gold Rush
Home Movies
The Mysterious Mr. Friend
Chuckie's Wonderful Life
The Mega Diaper Babies
Kid TV
America's Wackiest Home Movies
The Word Of The Day
Fugitive Tommy
The Wild Wild West
Journey To The Center Of The Basement
or watch 11 minutes of The Rugrats Movie video

Weddings Let Them Eat Cake
I Do
The day your cable company
picks up the Game Show Network
Any 2 of these:
Game Show Didi
Chuckie Is Rich
Kid TV
What's Your Line?
Your Birthday Tommy's First Birthday

Or any 2 of these:

Angelica's Birthday
America's Wackiest Home Movies
A Very McNulty Birthday
Baking Dil

An Interesting Story

On 5/15/1999, at the 1999 Motor City Comic Con near Detroit, I met Scott Roberts, one of the writers of the Rugrats comic strip, and creator of Patty Cake. At the convention, we talked about Patty Cake and Rugrats. Also, I had an interesting story about what I experienced at the 1998 Motor City Comic Con.

At the 1998 show, I was wearing a T-shirt with a picture of Angelica on the front (I wore this same shirt at the 1999 show). I stopped to look at comics at one of the dealers' stalls, when that dealer pointed to my Angelica shirt and asked, "Is that Patty Cake?"

In converse, Scott had a similar story. He has written a story, which was a crossover between Patty Cake and Mr. Beat; a comic character created by Chris Yambar and published in Mr. Beat, Superstar & Mr. Beat Babes & Bongos Special by Moordam Comics (previously on this site, I said that it was a cross-over with Rowan Atkinson's Mr. Bean; blame it on the anime display and The Dukes Of Hazzard exhibit behind me). At one point of that story, Patty Cake was mobbed by fans, who thought that Patty Cake was Angelica. Ironically, this reference was made long before Roberts became involved with the Rugrats strip.

By the way, there IS a Patty Cake / Angelica crossover of sorts in issue 14 of Slave Labor's Patty Cake & Friends. Ask your comic book dealer, or order direct from Slave Labor. And see if you can find Angelica.

Patty Cake & Angelica, separated at birth? You be the judge.

The Klasky-Csupo Staff Are A Bunch Of Characters...Literally

When you see a doll or a picture or even a news article on a Rugrats episode, you may be actually looking at a member of the Klasky-Csupo staff. Former Rugrats design supervisor David L. Allen explains:

The people who work on Rugrats are really fun folks. They often draw each
other in the background as "extras". I was once a toy puppet, showed up on a
stamp on an envelope, and my wedding was announced on a newspaper headline
stating "Labre to Wed" (Labre is my middle name). Paul Germain, a Rugrats
producer, is the Dummy Bear producer in the Dummy Bear Dinner Disaster
episode (not the voice, but the actual "model" for the character). Many other
Klasky employees have shown up on episodes, too.

(Thanks to David L. Allen)

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